“Musicians will enter on this new work with the desire to continue that tradition which has furnished the Church, in her divine worship, with a truly abundant heritage... [so that] the new work will form a new part in the musical heritage of the Church, not unworthy of its past.”
Musicam Sacram, art. 59
Parishes and communities
pursuing the renewal of integrity in their sacred music are also in need of various practical resources in order to facilitate this renewal. Among these are sheet music / scores for the choir and worship aids for the congregation. Music directors need a convenient way to know the Proper texts for each Sunday and Feast day throughout the year. It can also be beneficial in many cases to provide catechetical materials pertaining to sacred music, for children and adults.
New Liturgical Music
The Mass of Saint Philip Neri
Find more at pauljernberg.com
We provide new beautiful repertoire, by our founding director Paul Jernberg and others, which has the gift of resonating strongly with people of good will today, while being firmly rooted in our great sacred music traditions. For those singing the Mass of St. Philip Neri, we have melody-only scores designed for congregations, which are available in pdf format.
The Mass of Saint Monica
A Musical Setting of the Ordinary of the Mass
A Musical Setting of the Latin Ordinary of the Mass
We welcome special requests for new settings of the Propers for specific Sundays and Feast days, and whenever possible we will try to fulfill these requests. Contact us
“The highest reaches of music belong to the Church’s liturgical tradition; and a sort of “high point” seems to have, somehow, been attained in the polyphony of the European Renaissance. Benedict XVl has spoken explicitly of this achievement. In the music of Paul Jernberg, we have authentically contemporary liturgical music which arises gloriously and faithfully from this noble tradition.”
For more music and resources, visit Paul’s Website: