Interviews featuring Paul Jernberg
Watch the latest interview featuring Paul Jernberg on EWTN Live. Every Wednesday night, Fr. Mitch Pacwa interviews varying guest on ways to evangelize and grow in the Catholic Faith.
Podcast Interviews
The Catholic Culture Podcast.
Episode 39 - Composing Liturgical Music That’s Noble, Accessible... and Sacred—Paul Jernberg
The Way of Beauty.
Episode 32 - Sacred Music Composer Paul Jernberg: Nourishing the Sacred Gift of the Traditions of Holy Music
Episode 33 - The Difference Between Sacred Music and Art (Classical) Music
Episode 34 - What are the Problems Today and How Do We Solve Them?
Episode 37 - Sacred Music: How Do We Change the Situation in a Parish
Episode 38 - On the Need for Humble Artistry in Sacred Music
Episode 39 - Hesychasm, Nepsis and Theosis: The Special Spiritual Impact of Sacred Music
Episode 40 - Seven Principles for Introducing Good Sacred Music in Your Parish
Episode 41 - Real Parishes, Real Situations. Reversing the Managed Decline of Your Average Parish
Episode 67 - Paul Jernberg on How We Discern the Sacred in Music
Episode 69 - How Can a Composer be Creative and Follow Divine Inspiration