For Parishes, Dioceses, and Communities

The great traditions of sacred music in the Catholic Church have historically formed an integral part of the Church's Sacred Liturgy. They reveal the Liturgy's transcendent beauty and draw people into its Mystery of reverent worship, transformation, and loving communion. These traditions are by nature living, and have within themselves the seeds of further adaptation and growth: such was the case, in the West, with the development of Gregorian Chant in the first millenium, and the flourishing of sacred polyphony in the Renaissance. Although this is the heritage of all Catholics and indeed of all Christians, it has often been neglected, especially in recent times.

Magnificat Institute seeks to facilitate the rediscovery, integral continuation, and inspired development of this living heritage, in the hearts of the faithful, and in the Liturgies of parishes and communities throughout our country and world. Through workshops, seminars, and consulting, it provides a wide-ranging formation in the theoreticalpracticalspiritual, and apostolic dimensions of Catholic sacred music. A brief summary of each of these four dimensions, and the vital components of each one, is given below. Through this formation, clergy, religious, and laity will be equipped to bring an authentic renewal of sacred music to their parishes and communities, for the glory of God and the spiritual welfare of all.



Intellectual Formation


Practical Formation


Interior Formation


Evangelistic Formation